The Internet of things

In the beginning, there was no need for security because only a bunch of computer nerds trusted one another.  In those days “Sendmail”, a famous mail sending program still in use today would allow anyone to relay mail.  This would be one of the first of many changes that the heart of millions of Linux servers would receive.  The DNS software called “bind” had to be rewritten not just once but a couple of times because it “had problems”. The program used to connect to a terminal session called telnet was found to be sending clear text usernames and passwords that could be sniffed and even though this was true about POP3 and IMAP, and FTP, Telnet received the reputation of being insecure.  All of these programs have been replaced or updated numerous times over the years and almost everything uses certificates and encryption to stop sniffers from getting your user information.

VPN technology and changed over the years as well.  In the early days, the first version of VPN was a business based networking system to connect networks such that multiple offices could all access the same networks.  Over the years VPN was upgraded to include other standards.  One of the improvements was the ability to surf the web from the VPN and not your local IP.  This gave way to the second generation of VPN and the privacy marketing that is used by VPN providers today.

This second version of VPN targeted consumers that wanted to do things like surf adult sites, watch movies that were geographically constrained to other countries, download music, and then run tor to hide even more for fear of getting caught, and possibly prosecuted depending on what exactly they were doing.  This gave way to multiple VPN providers with thousands of endpoints all over the world.  These providers offer VPN connection methods like PPTP, L2TP, and OpenVPN which do have their flaws and many of these providers are foreign companies with endpoints all over the world.  These companies are not required to comply with U.S. law and with the sheer bulk of endpoints in almost every country in the world, there is no data security whatsoever.

The new laws allowing internet service providers to collect and sell user data and control or throttle their bandwidth brings the birth of VPN version three.  VPN services based and regulated by the laws of the United States and only open to U.S. customers using modern VPN technologies by companies that can be trusted not to collect user data.  We only offer the third version of VPN services which includes state of the art encrypted DNS blocking of advertising and evil websites.  All powered by the modern IKEv2 VPN protocol that is compatible with Apple, Android, Windows, and Linux.